About NLIR

Next Level Investor Relations LLC (NLIR) is an investor relations and corporate communications consultancy, dedicated to provide senior level guidance and service to you and to your public or pre-IPO company.
No matter where your company is on the spectrum of a developed Investor Relations (IR), communications growth or strategic positioning, NLIR is here to help you take your efforts to the Next Level!
NLIR supports a broad range of clients, sectors and needs, from strictly traditional IR to broader subject matters and communications growth needs, such as right-sizing contemporary sustainability (ESG, SRI, CSR, etc.) communications for authentic strategy of approach and positioning.
Our services may be exclusive to or may cross over IR or broader communications growth and strategic positioning, particularly as may be important to address myriad shareholder or stakeholder groups when it comes to Sustainability, e.g. investors, employees, customers, supply chain, stock exchanges, third party raters, rankers, indexes and other. Our services are customized to your company’s specific needs.
Our clients range from small/mid cap retainer relationships to large cap bespoke project needs. We engage in collaborative partnerships with our clients. NLIR intentionally works with only a few client companies at a time to provide focused support.